The world of marketing especially when marketing on the internet requires elements of self belief, focus and leadership. Leadership is particularly important when aiming to build relationships and is one of the key elements to being a successful internet based home business entrepreneur. It’s not the product that sells but a case of you believing inwardly in your abilities to make that connection with people. You need to be real with yourself at all times.

So is leadership the same as self improvement? It’s not the mountain that needs to be conquered - it is ourselves. So we start by looking within with self leadership. Let’s face it, how can you lead your business if you can’t lead yourself?

Master the art of self coaching. Coaching touches upon influence which is a leadership quality. You can’t expect to capture people’s hearts and minds if you shout or are grumpy. You can’t expect to do good if you don’t feel good.

Before you do something you must do something? Read this little anecdote:

One night a father was relaxing reading his news paper after a long day at the office. His son playing on the floor wanted his attention and kept on pestering his father. Finally fed up, the father picked up a picture of a globe from the news paper, tour it into a whole bunch of pieces.
‘Here son, go ahead and try to put this back together’ – hoping to keep the boy busy whilst he finished his paper.
After only one minute, the boy returned with the globe perfectly reassembled. When the startled father asked how this was achieved so quickly, the child smiled and replied;
‘Dad, on the other side of the globe is a picture of a person. Once the person was put together the world all came together’.

In other words, by working on yourself, then everything else will come together.

So success on the outside does begin within by putting yourself together.

Setting targets and having a goal are something you must aim to do and achieve. Make this a vow. By making this vow means it is something you do not want to lose.

Think great things to achieve great things. Be the master of your own destiny. This means take responsibility for the change and stop making excuses.

If you have a workforce within your business and there is a problem with moral in a particular place, then there is a problem with leadership. If you are the leader then this is you! If leadership is lacking in depth and warmth, then the workforce level of achievement is less than outstanding and the thoughts they are having and actions being taken are less than good.

Visionary leaders have the power of character. They ultimately control their future. Their outer lives are shaped by their inner ones.

This article is about mastering and leading yourself within to be successful. You are fooling no one but yourself if this is not evident. You will be seen as ‘talking the talk’ or another way to put it ‘the audio is not in sync with your video’.

Conquer yourself within and play the game to win! Once mastered, it will be so evident and transparent.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it. Lea. Listen and surround yourself with positive people.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to internet based home business.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.


How many times have you been disappointed with sale reps and shop floor assistance to the point where you have walked away without a purchase? The art of serving others is skill. It is easy to criticise others, but if you were marketing your Ideas Working From Home through a home based business, how do you come across to others?

Strategies of marketing is not about forcing the sale, but to building a relationship with the prospect. The saying goes ‘it’s not what you sell and how you sell it’. There is some truth in this. My brother was shown by a trusted friend two apartments that were up for sale over looking the sea on the south coast of England. The apartments had yet to be built with prices beyond his reach. The apartments could be purchased at a discounted offer if he acted quickly. It wasn’t the facts and figures that helped him make a decision, but the wisdom and excitement of his trusted friend.

The skills applicable to serving others apply not only to sales and marketing, but to all areas in your life.

When a customer has a problem, who do they blame? The majority of the time they blame everybody but themselves. There is the saying ‘the customer is always right’. In reality this is not always true, but metaphorically needs careful consideration. Maybe this is the first place to begin when addressing how to serve others.

In many cases, the poor relationship between the customer and the sales person is generally the route to the problem. We see the world how we want to see it and this may be well off the beat to how others see it. Set aside your views and seek interest in others.

Knowing how to serve others really is important for your business and is an investment in your reputation. Are you seen as someone there to serve? Building trust will follow and the ability to attract more customers and keep them loyal to you will be forthcoming.

The only way to maintain success in your life and in your specialised field is to really take a good look at yourself and ask yourself whether you truly are helping others and meeting their needs.

Serving is about the little things you do each and everyday and how this is seen and perceived by others. These are even the small actions that build your character.

Here are 6 actions worth considering, expanding on your ability to serving others.


1.      Be humble.

Start with thinking less about yourself. Be authentic as oppose to being concerned about pride and hence coming across arrogant. There are two big fears that hinder us – ‘What if I’m no good?’ ‘What if I fail?’ You need to go beyond these fears and focus on humility everyday.

2.      Be respectful

Respond to others and meet their needs with importance. They need to feel appreciated. You never know who you are going to meet so be respectful at all times. This does mean arriving on time for meetings and don’t interrupt others when they are speaking.

3.      Be honest

Don’t be blunt. This comes across rude and hurts people’s feelings. So be consistent, transparent and predictable at all times. Be truthful in your communication methods whilst considering how you are perceived by others. Sharing the whole truth may be a strategy as opposed to what must be disclosed.

4.      Be kind

Be encouraging and show appreciation to others. Treat others like you want to be treated. Listen sincerely and caringly. Look for the good in others. Be specific when being kind. Kindness to others will be reflected back to you and surprisingly multiplies.  

5.      Be committed

Everyone seems to be involved, but not committed. People are usually involved only if they are likely to be successful and are getting something out of it, but not otherwise. It’s surprising how people don’t want to take responsibility. Being committed means sticking to the choices you make – good or bad. Do what is right and this may not necessarily be the right or the most popular choice. Be the best for your customer and the best for yourself.

6.      Say please & thank you

…and mean it.

Now start growing your business through meaningful relationships. It’s great for business lead generation and business survival.

Work on each of the sections above over the next 6 weeks. For the 1st week learn to be humble, 2nd week learn to be respectful etc.

Another good way to serve others is to donate your time and skills to the community. Non profitable organisations are always looking for help in different areas. Serve those that are worse off than you.

Serve others with a purpose! Start today.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to ideas working from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What do you understand about the term prospecting? This is a tem used in sales and marketing, but you could equally use the skills of prospecting in your daily lives, whether to network or to engage with peers and businesses.
Deep down, prospecting will help create new business leads and ultimately better business. This is so important for those involved in home business lead generation for MLM businesses, Network Marketing businesses and to market those great Ideas Working From Home.

It is surprising how many business owners don’t prospect at all and there always seems to be a reason, but these are really excuses. There may be a view a product can sell by itself. A view there is no time to prospect as results are wanted now. A fear factor of having to engage with people. Prospecting is a great business lead generation activity.

Prospecting can be compared to exercising and requires time, disciple and consistency. Most people stick with it, but is not something learnt overnight. As you learn and grow through experience, your ability to prospect effectively will strengthen over time.

So what is meant by prospecting? Prospecting in simple terms is much about meeting people and talking to them.  Here are some rules to help put prospecting into perspective:

1. Be proactive. It is not a case of prospecting when sales are down but also when they are up. You need to generate a constant pipeline to keep business steady. Besides, would you sound more upbeat if you prospected when things are going well? You may come across desperate when things aren’t going too great. Ensure you set goals and targets.

2. Follow up. You do need to follow up everyone you meet, and this means everyone. Always take down details of those you meet and set aside time to either call or meet them. It is also important you do as you say. If you promise to send out some details then ensure this is done. Keep your promises.

Every contact is about building up relationships. In your contact, you can add some personal touches, but this must be kept limited. Just do enough to help make that connection.

3. Focus on the high percentage opportunity. It is important the prospects business or problem aligns to your solution. Don’t waste the time and energy if this is not the case. At the end of the day you want results, not to keep busy. Always prospect for the best fit.

You may need to adapt and change according to each situation in order to get results.

4. Think long term. It is said that 80% of sales are made on the 5th encounter. Whether true, prospecting isn’t about getting an instant sale. It will take time, so it is important this is understood so that you don’t rush in to make that sale.

Prospecting is a way of building a relationship with people.

Some good advice is to prospect with your mindset. In other words think about how you can help them by way of making that connection. Exchange information about you, what you do and how you can help. You are effectively planting seeds for the future.

5. Create reciprocal value. You need to become a valued resource. Connecting with your prospect with a solution that will address their problem which not only gives value but promotes your brand.

6. Be remarkable. You need to stand out. What makes you stand out from the competitors? Your success depends on consistency and discipline. You need to be applying both of these to get substantial results.

Have a prospecting system as this is a powerful tool used initially to get loyal customers and ultimately an increase in sales. Remember, prospect marketing is the art of making connections, not rushing in to make a sale. Normally you would see results after 90 days so be patient.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What is really meant by the term ‘trading time for money?’ Well I’m sure it is a concept that is not discussed enough. No one ever told me about finding a way to work less, but get paid more. My world as with many other people is about getting paid for the hours worked – regardless whether or not one is actually performing. So now is the time to learn great strategies of marketing.

To understand the concept of leveraging time v money, then one needs to have a totally different outlook on how to earn a living. My bet, whilst reading this, you would like the idea of working less and being paid more. The question is whether this is feasible against a backdrop of traditional schooling leading into our working lives.

There are many opportunities around us all the time to work less and be paid more. You may just not have recognised them. For instance, it may take a year for an author to write a book. But what if this book becomes a best seller and in published in many languages. The author could live on the royalties alone. In this case, do something once, and replicate and sell many times over. Once written, the book will make money for the author even whilst sleeping or even when on a holiday.

There are many examples I can bring to this article, but would not be exhaustive.

Did you know the internet is a great way to leverage your time to earn an income and is available to anyone plugged into the internet portal. Come up with an idea, product or service you can sell over the internet, automate the marketing and sales and away you go. So mastering the power of the internet to advertise and market a business can without doubt save you time. You just need to know how and what.

Here is an idea. What if you came up with something, say a great eBook, a great musical song, secrets revealed for some sought after information etc that someone is prepared to pay $1 for. Advertise big time and distribute this through a large number of ways on the internet using paid, low cost and free advertising methods. Once out there, it works 24/7 and can be seen all over the world. Aim to be on the first pages of the search engines, be appearing on numerous sites as well as videos and podcasts.

The system could even be automated if the product or service can be sent via the internet once someone has paid. This not only avoids delivery costs, but negates you having to do something. So automation is good. Imagine over time whilst doing your own things that a million people purchased your $1 product. Is this life changing? Have you leveraged time v money? I will let you answer this.

Agree it is made to sound so easy, but come up with a great e-product, become a skilled internet marketer, allow yourself to learn and grow and the rewards will be forthcoming. This could be the start of a great internet based home business adventure and you can start right now. You can build your business as quick or as slow as you like. Remember, there are around 2 billion users on the internet. Learn how to attract your market.

Producing a great looking web site or ad is semantics and driving traffic and getting people to buy is an art and both require elements of skill and visualisation. There are a number of ways to produce a great ad or web site by using one of the many packages available to you today. There are also a large number of ways to direct traffic to your site through methods ranging from social media, articles, videos, banners, podcasts etc. You could produce one ad to be distributed by all these means.

However, if you are new to marketing online then you will soon discover it can be overwhelming. It’s easy to waste a lot of time and throw lots of money away. Being in control is important. Being in control will also make your experience more enjoyable. Besides it is not just about advertising because you need a mindset that is going to prevail as marketing is a bumpy road. It could be compared to climbing mountains and jumping hurdles. As an internet marketing guide, start off with a couple of techniques and do them well. As long as you believe in your destiny then you should reach your desired destination no matter how long it takes.

Be honest with yourself at all times and gain confidence. Anything is possible provided you follow a system that works, stay committed and be passionate. 

Donald Trump has said over and over and over again:

"Until you are in a business that can literally make money even whilst you are sleeping, then you're not really in business. You're trading time for money."

The foundations and integrity of your business is important. As you know, more sales equate to more money, but using the internet does not mean more time and effort.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to strategies of marketing.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.