If there was ever a powerful message about succeeding in your business, then you need to discover your ‘Why’. Having recently heard a really inspiring talk by Simon Sinek, I can not impress upon you enough about how understanding ‘why’ you do the things you do will not only help with creating your own brand, but how to seriously be successful in starting a business from those Ideas Working From Home.

90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. Generally what happens is in the fourth year the passion that got people started in the first place begins to fade and as a result one becomes less committed to the business leading to mediocrity.

Let’s explore this further as it comes down to how we make decisions. People soon learn how to do things, i.e. marketing, but not why they do it. Why do you get out of bed? Why does your business exist? Again the searching ‘why’ question.

‘Why’ is linked to your passion and is helpful when prospect marketing. You need to have your ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ in balance to be passionate; to be consistent in what you do. Let people see what you believe then these people know who you are hence will follow you. Successful marketers make that connection with people because they believe in what they do due to knowing why they do what they do.  

For instance, Tiger Woods, the famous golfer, no longer knows who he is because he lied. It’s an interesting human behaviour – why people do what they do.

There are two ways to influence human behaviour; by manipulation or by Inspiration.

If you drew a target with three circles, the outer circle is your ‘what’, the middle circle your ‘how’ and in the middle circle your ‘why’. Starting from the outside, the ‘what’ you do is self evident, ‘how’ you do it is also clear, but very few actually know ‘why’ you do it.

Think about Apple computers for a minute. They could advertise like this:

“We make great computers”. “They are beautifully designed and easy to use”. Want to buy one?

But Apple actually market like this;

“Everything we do we believe is challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently in the way we challenge the status quo by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers” Want to buy one?

The latter ad starts with the why, then the how and finishes with the what! See the difference? Just simply reverse the order. This is based on that people don’t buy what you do, but why you do what you do.

The ‘why’ is your belief. ‘How’ are the actions behind your beliefs? ‘What’ is the result of the actions?

The things we say, the things we do, the products we sell, the services we offer all need to be congruent.

We are successful as the human race because we are social animals. We have the ability to form communities and cultures. What is a company? A company is a group of people with a common set of values and beliefs. If you don’t talk about what you believe then why should anyone join your community, company or your Home Based Income Opportunity?

When people come together with a common set of beliefs and values, a remarkable thing happens. Trust is formed! Trust is the foundation. If people don’t trust you then they will not take risks. With trust, people are prepared to go and explore. If they fail, they are more likely to try again. How many times have you done something based on trust?

If you don’t have trust in your organisation, then you cant’ innovate and grow. People will not look out for you. Trust brings stability.

The most basic desire on the planet is to feel like you belong. Every decision we make is a piece of communication that tells the outside world about who we are. This is important because we look for others who believe in what we believe – to share our values, share our beliefs so as to form trust.

If a company is clear why it exists and disciplined in how it does it, consistent in what it does, everybody on the outside will believe what you believe. They just feel you get them and they get you.

You can go out and tell people the features and benefits of your product – the facts and figures and how you are better than your competitors. People can understand vast amounts of complicated information. However, this does not drive behaviours. Talking about what you believe drives behaviours. This is why you can not ask the customer why they chose you because the part of the brain that controls decision making does not control language.

People will make a decision to buy off of you if it feels right. The part of the brain that makes decisions also has feelings. Trust and loyalty are feelings. It’s loyalty that will make you successful – not the mass market place. Customers choose you because they believe in you.

This is only a taster of what Simon has to say. If you want to make those sales or want to generate Home Business Leads by being inspiring then you really need to listen to what Simon has to say. You will truly be blown away and it will change how you approach your business.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have a website full of information focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how. To me, it all starts with ‘why’.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is full of free information to help anyone market on the internet. Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What separates the good from the great? Why is it I’m being told to work from the inside, to work on my mindset in order to effectively run a business working from home?

Taking actions on a daily basis and getting things done helps move your business forward and some simple techniques and tools help in this. But doing and being busy is still not enough. You need to display leadership qualities and it’s these qualities that affect you in your business. Do you know and understand the Entrepreneur Characteristics to build on Ideas Working From Home that will help you move forward in your business?

Let’s start by looking at the differences between an entrepreneur and a business owner;

For an entrepreneur, the business is an extension of themselves. They make a living and conduct business whilst simultaneously pursuing a passion hence get results through inspiration.

A business owner is generally detached emotionally from a lot of the things that defines the values and beliefs of the business or company.

Do you see the difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur? It is important to recognise this as affects the way you conduct your business, how you achieve results and how you come across as a person.

As an entrepreneur, if the business is an extension of yourself then you must know why you do what you do? It’s difficult to separate the business from yourself. Your business is your passion and your life.

Every entrepreneur has uniqueness within and it’s this uniqueness, enhanced by passion that connects with people in order to get results. This also helps define your brand. 

Find why you do what you do, your sense of purpose, reveal the little gift that makes you unique, apply passion and you can build a business from scratch as an extension of yourself. You just then need to figure out the ‘what’ and the ‘how’.

It will be impossible for you to fail if you follow these principles. Understand your why, followed by what and how. It has nothing to do with money.

Do you ever feel and think you can achieve something more fulfilling? Look at your business and how this is defined?

Don’t look at yourself as a sales person or marketer. Yes this might be the business you’re in, but this is not what defines you.

If someone was to ask you these questions, ‘Why do you do what you do? What is your business?’  What would you say? How would you respond? If the answers do not roll off the tip of your tongue regarding your business, your company mission statement and the core values then this is grounds for an immediate dismissal.

Huge corporations abide by their mission statement. Some businesses are so big and so far reaching, have so many employees around the world, yet they are still able to follow the same set of rules.

What is your personal mission statement? If you can’t figure this out then you are no different to the 97% of people. Get it right from the beginning. Statistics don’t come into successful companies.

You may ask whether you can be successful! If in the sales and marketing business then you may be looking to make the sale by talking about the features and benefits of your product. You go out to do what ever it takes to make that sale and at times you may sound desperate. You may even start to use manipulation on some vulnerable people. You are in fact doing a lot of telling!

If you changed your mindset to inspire to make the sale, then not only are you showing leadership qualities, but you are empowering. Once you start empowering you begin to run your business as an extension of yourself - an entrepreneur.

Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. There are so many people who are looking for a quick buck. What is being articulated here is a long term journey and probably the hardest thing you will ever do. You will soon come to realise that it is so much easier and fun being a leader than a sales person. Plant the seed and walk away through inspiring. If interested, your prospect will come back because you have made a connection by being ‘you’. We have all been there. You may have purchased a car at a sales room not because of the benefits and features, but because of the connection the sales person made with you.

Leaders don’t lead because people are following them. People follow because you are a leader, because you are inspiring!

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have a website full of information focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is full of free information to help anyone market on the internet. Step 3 provides a business opportunity should you not have one. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and it is all free. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working from Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

With the prospect of economic fluctuations, people are getting tired of working for others, worried about losing their job, have insufficient funds to pay the bills or no spare money for those occasional treats. As a result of this, people are looking for alternative ways to either earn additional income or to establish a different way of living.

David Bach, author of the Automatic Millionaire best seller, suggests earning additional income through the direct sales industry (Multi Level Marketing) to boost financial wealth. This is made easier through an Internet Based Home Business as opposed to the traditional MLM methods.  

It is not only those working that are looking for a change of circumstances, but students, moms and job seekers. Despite people wanting more, wanting to change their lifestyle, what is stopping people doing so?

The declining Economy has already affected the lives of many people all over the world to the extent that they have realised that the most lucrative way to create Wealth and prosperity is to take action for themselves. But it must be recognised that 3% of the population worked this out years ago hence why they have created their own business. If this is not you then you fall into the 97% of the population. You can however change this!

Apparently more than 200 million people will start a small business within the next few years. Why, because it offers more financial stability and security than a nine to five job. Small businesses are the back bone to the world economy. Equally many will fail the first three years. This might be reality, but not an excuse to not try.

It is very rare that you will be approached or encouraged from a friend or by a member of the family regarding a lifetime changing business opportunity. It is more likely to come from someone you have never met or you undertake your own searches through say the internet.

What searchers normally stumble across in the first instance are one of the many Multi Level Marketing Opportunities (MLM) selling their lotions, potions, pills and vacations. Regardless of the product, the business model on how to make money is what is most attractive. Although the commissions may not necessarily be great to start off with, over time wealth can be generated. It’s these types of opportunities that generally attract people.

Many have always liked the thought of working for themselves, but have struggled to come up with a lucrative idea. It is not surprising then when an MLM opportunity is presented that people are prepared to give it a go, but only to find after about 6 months the motivation and drive diminishes. This is primarily driven by leads drying up as friends and family run out.

As said, the concepts behind the MLM business model are sound hence attractive, but the way to get leads (customers) is so old school. Making a list of your friends and family, buying leads, cold calling, and sending people to a corporate website, having house parties and hotel conferences is hard work. The majority of Multi Level Marketing companies still work in this way.

One way to drive a business is through internet marketing. Many use the internet primarily to buy things, so why not turn this around and learn how to sell things instead. People from all over the globe, from all walks of life and all types of business backgrounds can become a successful online marketer. You just need to know how.

So you search further and now you find a number of sites offering internet marketing as a way to generate an income and great wealth. What do you choose? What is a genuine business? People are sceptical and this is not surprising. Nobody wants to be taken advantage of.

How does this sound? What if you could have an insight into whether you are cut out to run a small business from home, be presented with a range of internet marketing techniques to help market a product or service as well as being offered income generating opportunities. What if you can explore all this for free through what is being known as a 3 in 1 solution to meet your requirements. With no hidden agenda, and with so much available in one place, you decide what steps you wish to take to help you reach your desired place.

You will have access to eBooks, SEO marketing techniques, video marketing, building a simple website and much much more. Although this is all for free, you will be presented with an opportunity to tap into an e-learning educational system and an internet marketing business rolled all into one. This provides a virtual online business from day 1. You will have a sales funnel that will do the selling, telling, sifting and sorting to sell on your behalf. You will mastermind and even partner up with great marketing leaders to motivate you with great passion in order to get great results. You can even tap into a community willing to help you succeed to become a successful online marketer. All you need to do is take your skills learnt through the system and start marketing on the internet. You will have access to all this without leaving your home.

Remember, using the internet reaches out to people all over the world and not limited to your local community and family. You don’t have to struggle with a broken, “old school” Multi Level Marketing business model. The choice is of course yours.

Think about what you could be doing in your spare time should you succeed. Once up and running, an internet business operates 24/7 – but you don’t. That’s the beauty about an internet marketing business model. Just follow a system that works, be part of community of leaders and establish a business by working from the comfort of your own home.

Mastering the internet really is a good way to leverage time and money. If you own a brick and mortar business, a business working from home (MLM) or looking for a work at home business idea, then marketing on the internet is an exciting way to do business.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have a website full of information focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is full of free information to help anyone market on the internet. Step 3 provides a business opportunity should you not have one. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and it is all free. The journey starts by following this simple link to Internet Based Home Business.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

Ask a leader, ‘if you were granted any wish, what would it be?’ For the majority, the answer would be to have more time. ‘Give me an extra hour or two each day should do it!’ This is particularly true in the marketing and sales business and especially if aiming to build a business based on Ideas Working From Home.

If you are one of those who wish for more time then you may want to note this. Let’s face it, we all have the same amount of time each day, but the secret of having more time in that day is to concentrate on what matters and to have the courage to neglect those that don’t and unnecessary. It is as simple as that – or is it?

We all get busy and we all know how quickly time appears to go. As a leader, we aim to keep things into perspective.

The inventor Thomas Edison was asked what was the secret behind his success. His response was, ‘to be able to apply your mental and physical abilities to one problem excessively without growing weary’.

Each morning you wake up with thoughts of your day ahead. Before you know it, the day draws to an end. Between getting up and going to bed is a day full of activities. The big question is how many of the activities were associated with income producing to move your business forward? The space of a leader is about focusing on what matters each and every day. Being busy does not mean you are productive in your day.

Visionary leaders have a clear sense of direction and know what needs to be achieved and accomplished. They work on what is called their high heeled activities. Those activities that are a waste of time are disregarded and focus on only those that matter.

The secret of personal effectiveness is concentration of purpose. In leadership there are activities worth your attention and those that do not. Once you have figured out what to focus on, then go out and do it. Your effectiveness as a leader will be liberated. 

Switch from being busy to achieving results. There is nothing so uselessly effective than doing something that should not be done at all.

Want more time, then quit the things that don’t need to be done.

Some people try to be clever in managing their time. Just keep it simple and the more effective you will become. Smarter decisions mean fewer crises. Step back and review your effectiveness.

First thing each and every day, put aside time for weekly planning. Set your goals for the week and follow these simple 5 steps:

1. Revisit your vision each and every day.

What will the ultimate success look like? What will all your senses experience?

2. Review your annual victories

What do you want to accomplish in the next year (Annual goals)? Limit choice and have a game plan. Don’t get too overwhelmed otherwise you will become too busy.

Working within a framework is always good.

Become the master and not the servant. 97% of people are servants. 3% have a plan and a plan reduces the torment of choice. Leaders use their time through a different set of filters. 

3. What minor victories or goals must be accomplished over the next 7 days?

Setting a target in 7 days will help you advance in your business. The answers will give you some simple wins.

Make best use of time and not just good use. This will mean everyday of the week will have a purpose and allow you to take charge of your days.

Make commitments each and every week and this will account for something.

4. Integrate the weekly wins that you promised yourself in a daily schedule

Follow through. Give the priorities what they deserve.

Other people’s priorities will try to put you off your plan. You need to have self discipline to keep to your priorities and stick to your plan.

It’s not what you know, it is what you do with what you know. This may include things you don’t like. If it has to be done to help you move forward then do it. If necessary, defer the easiest things.

5. Regular reflection

The mother of wisdom that leads to better lives. Reflect on how to spend your time. This helps to get to know yourself – your strengths and weaknesses.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes in an attempt to move forward. But you do not want to keep making the same mistakes. This is lack of wisdom.

As long as you live, keep learning how to live. Great leadership deserves great followership. If you don’t lead your time then it will lead you. Manage your time starting today.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have a website full of information focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is full of free information to help anyone market on the internet. Step 3 provides a business opportunity should you not have one. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and it is all free. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working from Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What makes a successful entrepreneur? What is it that some people have about them in order for you to want to follow them? Would you want to follow in the footsteps, of say, Richard Branson? What is it about Richard Branson and his brand Virgin that people always seem to say good things about? It all comes down to why Richard does the things he does and as a result he is able to inspire people. How do you inspire people, promote your Ideas Working From Home?

There are many who perceive tasks and actions to be impossible. You may find yourself on a number of occasions to use the words ‘No way’, ‘can that really be done’, ‘that’s impossible’ etc.

Apparently human beings have the uniqueability to perceive. As a result of this, you need to become clear on why you do the things you do. This would help you become clear on your mission and goals. Communicate your why! There are people who want to stand up and be heard. Not to be heard for the sake of it, but to share something they feel passionate about. It’s this conversation that will hit the people listening and in turn may inspire them to take some action.

So we come onto the question about what is a leader? You could class a leader as someone who gets results by telling people, or the one most favoured, is to lead by example. Those that tell do not necessarily practice what they preach. To be an empowered entrepreneur, you need to display leadership qualities and this is linked to inspiring.

So what inspires you? There are many great movies that inspire people. Many of these give people hope, some sort of direction and maybe to challenge.

If people respect you, then you have authority through inspiration. In sales and marketing, some sales people are good at making people take action they would otherwise have taken. Is this through a process of inspiring or manipulation? A sales person is really looking for people to sign up. They hit where you are vulnerable and there might even be some trickery. Regardless how a sale is made, many sales people have done very well.  What if the same results could be achieved by inspiring people? People will start to look up to you, look at you for some guidance and help – help them solve their pain.

So how do you learn to be inspiring, be a leader and ultimately a successful entrepreneur? One way is to mastermind with leaders. It is said your closest 10 friends determine who you are. In other words, learn from others.

Here is an interesting story about the power of masterminding.

Boris Yeltsin, the former president of the former USSR back in the 1990s, was asked what gave him the courage to stand against the terrine of communalism. Apparently he was humbled by a man called Lech Welesa, an electrician who brought democracy to Poland. In turn Lech Welesa was inspired by an American – Dr Martin Luther King, the civil rights leader back in the 1950s/1960s. The story continues as Dr King was apparently inspired by the simple act of courage by one woman, Rosa Parks, who refused to obey a bus driver to sit at the back of the bus. From this story, the seed that was to bring down the tyrannical world of the Super Power was planted in a place called Montgomery, Alabama by a Rosa Parks by her actions on that one single day.

Are you planting such seeds today – the perspective to do what it takes to get results. When planting the seeds, it is not always clear what will grow. It is not the job of the sower to know, but as long as the seeds are nurtured will time tell whether it turns into a tall redwood forest.

Never think of the worst – take on the best. Expect the best. Surround yourself with leaders and move forward in your business today.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it. Surround yourself with positive people.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

In the forever changing world, people are getting tired of working for others, having the lack of time to do the things they wish to do and basically wanting to earn enough to fulfil their needs - pleasures and leisure’s. As a result of this, it is surprising how many around the world are looking for an answer – an answer to resolve their dissatisfaction in life. Could pursing your Ideas Working From Home be the answer?

Do you ever feel whether the educational system has done us any favours? Yes they teach us the basic needs, and this is important. But is the system outdated? I heard something to suggest the educational system has been based on times of the industrial revolution. What is meant by this is that we are educated in such a way to do well at school so that we can pursue a job once we leave school – a job working for others. Yes you get paid for the hours you work, but ultimately it is your boss that is sitting there comfortable reaping the real benefits due to your labour.

Although the educational system is based on old ideas, this still suits the majority of people, in fact 97% of people. But what if you were in the 3% bracket and want to do something different. Not to follow what the majority are doing. What about if you were looking for a way to work for yourself, be your own boss and charge of your destiny?

Working for yourself or building a small business takes vision, commitment, effort, focus, tenacity, passion and so on. Let’s face it, these skills are not encouraged or taught at school. These are mindsets and strategies required to succeed in a business today. It is what the 3% of the population grasp and tackle with to become an entrepreneur. The other 97% of people just fit into the system that has been pulled over our eyes.  

‘Entrepreneurs dream of great ideas to build a business and with a dream start off as an underdog. However, those that follow the road less travelled will find new industries, enterprises and products. They will inspire those around them and push everyone’s levels to the highest possible achievement. They emerge no longer as an underdog, but someone who has a great standing. They stand up and are heard.’

For many, it will be uncomfortable to think of owning your own business due to our schooling and up bringing. However, we all have the ability to change and recondition ourselves to try something new and different. Saying this, it is not for the weak and the journey will be demanding and tough, but despite this, many are giving it a go.

Building a business at home is achievable but for many means new skills and to learn new skills means you need to be teachable. Regardless of age or background, how teachable are you? Are you willing to learn, unlearn and relearn? No new skills means no new money! You must have that hungriness in wanting to grow, then watch your business take off and reach new heights. Get away from the Victorian method of teaching and get serious to what will make a real difference to your life.

There is this saying ‘it’s what you learn once you know it all that counts’. Once you stop learning you stop leading. This is important as running your own business requires leadership skills and this is a separate topic for another day. So to learn means you need to be teachable and driven by desire.

‘Learn to Learn!’

In the space of being teachable, nothing is interesting unless you are interesting. Successful people learn differently to unsuccessful people. Make a difference to your business today. Don’t just sit there and tick over, learn the skills necessary to take your business forward. Learn how to leverage time v money. Be smart and do something right today.

Stand up and be heard. Become teachable and become a new person to take your business forward, become a true leader and a successful entrepreneur. Aspire to be the number 1 home business.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have produced a number of tutorials focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it. Surround yourself with positive people.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone to think about and start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. You can learn the value of having a vision, tenacity and a passion. You can follow some really simple techniques and the information available is free. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

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