What is the difference between those who make things happen compared to those that don’t? One of the differences is that those who are on a mission, want something so badly is driven by having a vision. They know what they are striding for, can see it and taste it. They follow through and do what is necessary to get to their destination. It’s like someone just filling bags with sand compared to someone looking to prevent a town from flooding. See the difference?

Getting to ones destination is based on the bigger picture and not those mundane repetitive activities done on a day to day basis. It’s all about putting things into perspective.  It’s the bigger picture that drives you to do the things you do. So does this sound like you? Do you have a vision to help you reach a destination. If not, then maybe this is one of the reasons you are not moving forward in your life or business.

People think their vision, what it is they want, is so different from what they have to do to get there. Ideas Working From Home start with having a vision.

So what does having a vision really mean? Let’s break this into 4 parts, but based on one of the five things leaders do which is ‘day to day visualisation and meditation on your goals’.
  1. Passion. Having passion and focus allows to experience ahead of time and feel the emotions associated with an anticipated future. When you start visualising, you start feeling it hence has an emotional impact. Having focus is going to help you drive things through and help with things to come.
  2. Motivation. This is much about completing a task or tasks. In other words to finish those things that really matter. There maybe wasted hours and days is necessary if needed. Dedication and commitment is driven by motivation.
  3. Direction. A vision gives a road map. Doing something that helps you get closer to your vision gets a green light. Everything else is approached with caution. Prioritise your days to help achieve great things. Without vision, those things that matter will stop you achieving those great things. People without a vision are easily distracted – drifting from one thing to another.
  4. Purpose. A purpose gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It’s a case that if you did not show up that something important will be missed. Leaders show up.
This is not much about unicorns and rainbow stuff, but a way to establish what it is you want, feel hungry for it, have a target but most importantly know why. If you have lost your guiding light to what it is you are looking to achieve then seriously stop what you are doing. Take time out and sit back. If you are frustrated then this may be down to the lack of a system.

Take a high level view to what is going on. Are you achieving the expected results? Are you heading in the right direction? Really question yourself. Make a list of everything that is working. Aim for at least ten things. This should help shift your mind onto what is working as opposed to that that isn’t. It is really easy to lose sight, but setting a vision will help you get back on course.

Be clear on your vision and do what it takes to get to where you want to be.     

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place for free being available to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

How many times have you come up with an idea, do nothing about it and then find later the idea is being marketed. This has happened to me many times and sure I’m not alone. It all comes down to seizing the opportunity and making life changing choices. You will never be successful at anything if you keep putting things off or taking too long to make a decision – missing out.
In the 1870s two men worked extensively on modifying and improving telegraphy at a time working on technology much different to that of today. Both men were looking at transmitting sound down a wire and both explored the transmission of the human voice electronically.

What’s remarkable about this event is that both Alexandra Graham Bell and Elisha Gray filed their ideas at the patent office on the same day. On February 14, 1876, Gray filed a caveat (declaration for the intension to apply for a patent) with the U.S. Patent Office for a telephone design that used a water transmitter. That same morning, Bell's lawyer filed Bell's application with the patent office. Bell was the first person to file for a patent and was a result of Elisha Gray losing time on other things. At that point, those lost minutes cost Grey a fortune.

Why share this with you? This is a good example, not about how someone lost out big time, but more to the point about someone seizing the moment. You really don’t want to miss the boat especially if you have Ideas Working From Home you wish to market.

Another point to make is to only work on things that matter that makes a difference. Don’t settle for a ‘B’ grade. Aspire to succeed at everything you do. This leads me onto something else.

A professor stood in front of a class of 30 senior molecular biologic students. Before passing out the final exam paper he said, “You know what, I feel privileged to be your tutor this semester. I know how hard you have prepared for this exam. Many of you will go onto medical school in the Fall. How much pressure there must be in order to keep your grades up. Because I know you are confident of knowing the material, I’m offering an automatic B for anyone who wishes to exit the final exam.”

The noise was audible. Many then jumped up, thanked the professor and left. With few remaining, the professor asked whether there were anymore takers. One other left.

The final exam was handed out and once opened, consisted of 2 sentences;

            Congratulations, you just received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.

So it is all about seizing the opportunity and believing in yourself to get to that next level. Would you have stood up? Stand up for something bigger, don’t take second best. Believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed in something greater and for nothing less. Do what you need to do to get that A. Be that leader, show up, change your days and ways. It all starts with you.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

I keep writing motivational goal setting articles. Why is this? Understanding what you do is easy to describe e.g. a pilot, a chef, an entrepreneur etc. Understanding how you do what you do can also be explained. But do you know why you do what you do? Before you leave the page, just think about this for a minute.
Simon Sinek the author of ‘Discovering Your Why’ is also an inspiring speaker. Not only have I read the book, but have been on a ‘Discover your Why’ course. It really does make you think about why you like to do the things you do. Once your why is clear, the how and what then follows.

So knowing your why is only the start. What is motivating you on a daily basis? What is driving you out bed in the morning? How do you plan your future path? One of the methods, and yes you have heard this before, is to set goals. The principles of setting goals is a reminder, a route map to meet your vision or destination and is a key component to Strategies of Marketing.

Note this. Learning new skills is not the road to mastery. Mastery is about consistent daily practice. You can have all the systems, tools, techniques etc, but if you are not clear why you do the things you do then moving forward will be hard.

Let’s focus on goal setting and rather than read this article and then walk away, let’s treat this like a short workshop. Why not participate in an exercise to establish your goal and post this around your house as a reminder.

6 steps to setting a goal are as follows:
  1. Personal Development. Who do you want to become? What is your mission or purpose? What do you want to achieve? List 3 things you want to become in the next year. What kind of person do you really want to become e.g. a world class internet marketer, a great communicator.List your top priorities for the next 3 months.
  2. Material. What material things would you like to surround yourself with e.g. your ideal house, your sought after car etc. To get your desired material things mean you will need to be the best person of yourself everyday. The things you want will never exceed your development. There maybe no limitations to want material things you want but be realistic.
  3. Financial. In the next year, what would you like as your monthly income?
  4. Business. What three things would you like to accomplish over the next year?
  5. Experiences. On reflection, what would like to say you did, the people you helped and what legacy did you leave behind? Equally, what three experiences will inspire you over the next three months?
  6. Physical. You need to keep your body in shape. A healthy body drives a healthy mind. You will see the difference in the way you perform and act. Get physical today.
So there you have it. A 6 point plan to give you focus and a vision. Don’t go through life directionless. Change your habits and change your ways. Commit and take action to meet your goals. Post these around your house as a reminder. Seriously! No one else is going to push you, so condition your mind and body, keep healthy, stay sharp and do what it takes to get you to where you really want to be. Take action!

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Strategies of Marketing.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

How do you best use your time, learn and grow and be the best? Start with a goal, a vision; some sort of end game. Where do you want to be in your life and in your business? Think hard, write it down and break this down into a plan of action. Once you know where you are heading and as you move forward, part of your journey will involve practising although you may not even know this is happening. Testing, tweaking and trying things out is all about practising.
Practising is so important. However, it is important to practise on what really matters and stop practising all the things that don’t. This is so relevant if you are on a journey to build a small brick and mortar business or your Best Business Ideas From Home.

Success does not come by practise alone though. You must practise right and do the right things.

Dr Maxwell gives 4 pillars of practise to incorporate into your daily lives as a leader to succeed.

  1. Have a good coach. Who are you associating with? Sometimes we need people around us to spur us on. You need to get around the right people. When I was 19 I had 2 properties – one rented and the other part rented. I sold them both after 3 years. I made a small profit all of which was spent within a few years. That was the end of my property adventure. Imagine if I had a coach to really tell me what I had my hands on, to advise how to build a bigger portfolio and how to invest.
  1. Best effort. Are you practising in a way, time and place to do your best - self incentives.
  1. Clear purpose. What are you aiming to accomplish? This is the essence of be-do-have. Fight from victory and not for victory. Effort and knowledge is like speed with no direction unless you have a purpose.
  1. Right resources. Plug into the right resources. You only play well if you practise well.
Where are you on the practise continuum? What are your daily habits? Whether just starting out or in a phase of rapid progress, have you already played your greatest games and now into fine tuning mode?

Remember, practising never stops.

Practise the right things each and every day. You will get the results. Knowing where you are helps knowing where you want to go. Have a plan.

Apply some of these principles on a daily basis before you start on your business. Instead of jumping straight into your inbox, send out tweets, play on Facebook and getting caught up in the busyness of your business, write down 5 things on a pad that would help you move your business towards your goal. 5 things you know you have to do. Before getting busy into your business knock out those 5 things first. Common sense so you would think. But are you being busy and wonder why you may not be moving forward as quick as you would hope?  

So here is a question. Is busyness a form of laziness? Do you find yourself being busy and don’t have the time to do the things you really need to do? Is being busy an excuse to avoid those mundane activities that really need doing?

We all have the same amount of time! It is how we best use this time whether for pleasure or business. Practise to become good, prioritise your days by attacking 5 things that will make a difference. Do this and results will come a lot quicker.

Do what it takes. Be committed to getting the most out of your days and committed to getting results. Aspire to succeed and plan for growth. Our backgrounds are different and we all have different experiences. Some have skills but equally many don’t. This does not matter. The things left undone will stay undone.

Work on yourself and take charge of your life starting today.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link Best Business Ideas From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!