Need a boost to help you stay focused in building your business, then you need to become a leader. Apply these qualities of being a leader today and drive your Best Business Ideas From Home to a different level.  

In any business, whether in a large corporate business, a small brick and mortar business or whether you are building the foundations of simple small business ideas at home, staying the course can be very difficult. To survive, you must become a leader.

Desirable qualities of leadership is to have a goal, inspired to do what it takes and be hungry for results. Leaders put in the work, don’t put off until tomorrow what could be done today. They make every day count and excuses don’t exist. So how do you become a leader and do what is takes to meet your goal?

A book called ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins talks about leadership and the five things that defines what he calls a level 5 leader. He basically articulates it as:

‘someone who is determined to do whatever is necessary to make their company great’.

The key to the statement is to actually do what it takes. We are not talking here about being unethical, but doing everything necessary to get results. Are you pushing yourself, getting ahead of your competitors, taking those extra steps? If this is not the case then you really need to think hard about where you want to be.

When you go to bed at night, you want to confidently say you made the most of the day? Did you do everything you possibly could to move forward in your business!

Leaders look out of the window to credit others when things go well, but look in the mirror at themselves to accept the blame when things go wrong! Where do you stand in this?

Let’s explore examples of leadership qualities under four headings:

1. Leaders confront the brutal facts.

Change the things you don’t like and align yourself to where you need to go. There will be activities you may wish to avoid, and you know you shouldn’t. This is down to laziness.

Diligence! Once you know what needs to be changed, work diligently to make those changes.

You will face challenges. You just need to know how to work through them or around them.

Challenges are not an excuse to stop!

2. Focus on what is working and what isn’t

People like to blame the system, the process or something else when results are not being accomplished. If you are in the blame mode then you don’t really have the desire to do what it takes.

You need to be focusing on positive action and creating a positive mindset.

3. Leaders never lose faith.

Leaders always start with the end in mind.

It’s about how you deal with situations. It’s not going to be easy. It will take time and require hard work. It’s about Action! Focus on your end result.

Did you make that extra phone call! Make that extra visit! If not, why not?

You are here, doing what you are doing because of your core why! This is attractive marketing at its best. It’s your core why that should be resonating with other people.

4. Attract the right people.

Leadership is not about deceiving people. It’s about working with people and allowing people to connect and relate to you. What is it about you that others want to follow?

If you are willing to take those extra steps, then you will be successful. But you do need to take action each and every day. Each day is like pushing a shopping cart. By the end of it, you should have it filled with contents that has enabled you to grow and evolve?

‘It is never the duty of a leader to struggle for someone else. It’s the duty of a leader to encourage them that struggling is worth the while’

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to best business ideas from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

Why in business do some people succeed, but many fail. Business survival is about doing what it takes! Despite the many leadership definitions, this article lists five simple things to consider.

Let’s start with the question “What is leadership?” What does it look like? How is it measured? The term ‘Leadership’ has been about for years and people say ‘Mr Smith shows real leadership qualities!’ But why do people say this? What does actually mean?

There are lots of books on leadership, yet there are so few leaders. A definition of leadership is:

‘leadership has the power to rewrite the future of a group or organisation. The results of such efforts leads to remarkable successes with the right focus. Leaders act as catalysts as people around a leader has a sense of feeling they did the work themselves’.

Becoming a leader is no small task. Apparently, the experts are now disputing what leadership really is.

A single definition is missing. However, we do class some people as leaders. What is this based on? We use words to describe leaders like persistent, committed, integrity etc.

In any business, whether in a large corporate business, a small brick and mortar business or those building a business based on Ideas Working From Home, staying the course can be very difficult. To survive, in business you must become a leader. Despite there being no single agreement what leadership is, here is a list of leadership qualities - 5 things that make up a leader.

  1. Daily visualisation and meditation of your goals. This can be seen as your quiet time. To address your why - your vision. The very reason why you are doing what you are doing. The sense of purpose. Your drive and determination.
  2. Income producing activities. Are you moving forward in your business – planting the seeds! Every day counts. You need to stay focused and accomplish results by staying committed.
  3. Personal development. Are you investing in yourself to help you move forward in your business? This may be a case that if you want something you never had then you need to do something you have never done. Never stop being teachable as you will need to grow and develop.
  4. Mastermind with other leaders. Surround yourself with people you aspire to. They say that your success can be based on your 10 closest friends. Follow and educate yourself on leadership knowledge – reads books. Connect with what leaders do and follow their lead.
  5. Cultivating expectation of leadership. You need to be playing from the top. It is not about if I had this or if I had that then everything will work. It does not work this way. You have to do what it takes. You need to find a way and not make or find excuses. Are you really committed!
A leader has a goal, is inspired to do what it takes and is hungry for results. Leaders put in the work, don’t put off until tomorrow what could be done today - making every day count. Excuses do not exist e.g. I don’t have the time, I don’t have the money etc.

So how do you become a leader and do what it takes to meet your goal?

‘If you want to change your life, then you need to change what you do on a daily basis’

Begin with the end in mind. Don’t fight for the victory, fight from the victory.

Take action today!

A leader is strong in three areas:
  1. Strength of self mastering
  2. Strength of action
  3. Strength of relationship
Remember you are accountable for your actions. You really need to do what it takes. Provided you put in the work and effort then there should be no reason why you should not be successful in your business. Mastering leadership is one of the key steps to starting a small business.

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their businesses effectively on the internet, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to take a look, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for. I would be glad of any feedback and will answer questions with integrity and honesty.

Before contacting or reaching out to potential prospects, make sure you are prepared. Make sure you understand the prospects requirements before making that call and ultimately make that sale. Marketing and sales is a skill and requires focus and attention.

If you are really serious when marketing and selling, then being prepared and ready before you meet your prospects is so important. You need to be able to leverage information to your advantage to address those customer needs. Ensure your marketing strategy objectives are clear.

This is equally important if you are looking to be successful in the competitive home business market, especially when marketing and selling your Ideas Working From Home.

Let’s assume you have a list of customers. Before you go out to make contact you need to ensure you are prepared. You need to gather the best information in order to stand a chance to make that sale. You must know what the customers are really looking for. Provide what they want every time and you will be seen as an expert within your field – holding some authority.

So how do you become prepared? What are great business marketing ideas? Let’s start with three empty buckets. One at a time, we will now fill these with actionable information to help you make that sale.

Bucket 1 – company research. You need to research your potential customers. Find out as much as you can about the company and the people within. The internet is a great source to help with this. Think about how the company operates and their business? What critical issues do they face? Where are their opportunities for growth? How does their profit become affected by the economy? These questions will address the companies buying mood. Surprisingly, even in difficult times, companies will still buy. They will be looking for profitable solutions.

Bucket 2 – Industry research. This is about the industry competition. Where does the company stand within their industry? Are they fairing well compared to their competitors. Are there opportunities to help them build on their profits? Is there an opportunity on the horizon to help their business? It is important here is to learn their language. This is so that you can communicate effectively.

Bucket 3 - Competitive differentiation research. This is the ability to be able to stand apart from others in your industry. How do you sell your product or service over others? You really need to understand yourself and your business. What makes you better, stand out and separates you from your competition? You need to earn customers trust and help remove their fears. Gather some great testimonials helping to raise your profile.

You need to be aware what your competition does that you currently don’t but in fact should. You need to understand this to be at your best. How are you different?

Now that all 3 buckets are full of information, it isn’t now just a case of storing this knowledge and think you can get away with the line “I’ve been doing this for 20 years so I know what you are looking for!” It’s about using this information to tailor your sales presentation – being ready.

So, once you have filled your 3 buckets, you will have a combination of information about your customer, their industry and how you can align to their needs.

The information on its own is useless unless you know how to leverage this to your advantage. This is where you fill a forth bucket and this will contain the desired and tailored solution. To do this you will need to take relevant information from the 3 buckets. Readiness and success does not just apply to the information, but how you apply it. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify the solution that can be provided to meet the customers needs.
  2. Identify potential objections the customer may have. Make a list of these and provide answers. Knowing potential questions is important because you could address these before they come up.
  3. Create a list of intelligent questions to engage with the customer. This opens up dialogue. Remember avoid closed questions – those with yes and no answers. Ask open questions; how would you …, what do you plan …, How important is …., If you could change … etc. Think about the customers needs.
Remember, people don’t care about you, your service or product unless it affects them. Also remember customers and prospects are people so need to be treated as such.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to ideas working from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

What is the secret of writing good online ads to get attention! The term AIDA spells it all out. Read this to help you focus where it matters next time you write an advert on the internet to advertise your lucrative business ideas.

If you are building an internet business (internet advertising and marketing) through ideas working from home, then you need to seriously get attention to your ads if you are to survive in the game. What are your ads actually saying? Are they connecting with people? Do they get any attention? How are they perceived? It’s those who know how to advertise who will get the business!

‘Better advertising means better marketing’

If you have a lead capture page then it is really important that it is attractive. Many are starting to become noisy and directionless. To do the job, they need to be kept simple. You need to persuade someone to do something and this means you need to focus on their needs and not yours. In other words, you need to understand the audience and what they are looking for – make that connection.

‘People buy things for what they do and not for what they are’ 

People are driven towards the end result and not the tools along the way. You need to shift off from you and onto them.

To help you write your ad, consider the term AIDA!

·         A – Attention

·         I – Interest

·         D – Desire

·         A – Action

Headlines drive business. Become a guru and make your best small business idea be transparent in the number 1 spot. Great ads are always reused. Look at the news papers and magazines next time you walk around the news stands. See how quickly a headline grabs your attention. Make a note how these work to get your attention. What is it that makes them stand out? It all starts by grabbing your attention. 70% of readers on the internet will stay on your site if you have a good headline. If you have a poor headline, have poor structure – then they are gone!

Headlines that really work are those connected with the latest news and celebrities, so you need to look at a way to incorporate this into your ad. 

A good headline formula is to be outrages, inject mystery and drama. Drop the chains and allow yourself to be criticised. Just be news worthy and don’t worry what people think. More and more people are looking to gain more time and work less so a good headline could be “How to earn great money online by working fewer hours”. People should connect with the statement, so what you need to do now is to provide the solution.

Remember, do your internet marketing research and follow the four simple steps:- get Attention, gain Interest, promote Desire and have a call of Action. 

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to ideas working from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

Goal setting has been around for some time and the concept may have passed its sell by date – or has it?

In any business, whether in a large corporate business, a small brick and mortar business or pursuing best business ideas from home, staying the course can be very difficult. You have a vision and inspired by the results that could be obtained should you be successful. This could be to ensure a pay rise, a bonus, increased profits or just something to be gained as a personal achievement.

There are many gurus and books that preach the concept of setting goals to help you stay focused. You may have heard all this before and have an opinion that it sounds great in theory, but in reality is something else. Because of this view, in the business world the concept of goal setting is starting to get a bad reputation. Goals may be set, but very few are actually followed up. Maybe there is a sense of fear – if set then one should do! It becomes a chore forced upon by management. Goal setting is not something people want to do.

Let’s look at goal setting in a different way. Let’s look at the concept of setting objectives and then to establish a strategy in order to meet each objective. An objective is something you really want to achieve. Each objective has one single action that is clear, realistic, measurable, challenging, but attainable. For example: ‘To increase sales by 10% within 6 months’. The objective does not articulate how you will get there but a case of what you aim to achieve.

All the time the objectives must be aligned with your personal brand – being loyal to your personal brand first.

The objectives must be result orientated and not activity based. Stating ‘I will make 10 calls a day’ is activity orientated where as the example above ‘to increase sales by 10% within 6 months’ is result orientated’. Can you see the difference? It’s about what you can achieve as oppose what you can do.

The list of objectives should not be too long and a good guide to this is that you should be able to memorise all of them.

To be able to accomplish each objective, you do need to understand the why? Why do I need to achieve this? The stronger the reason, the better chance you will have in developing a strategy in order to achieve it. Behind each objective is your personal motivation and drive!

Let’s now create a strategy by answering five questions:

  1. Identify your most important business objective
  2. Why do you work to achieve your objective?
  3. What resources will you need to achieve your objective?
  4. With your resources, what is your plan of action?
  5. How will you measure success for your objectives?
Let’s now look at strategies. This is where you would consider the resources needed to help you on your way to meet the objectives. Whether this be knowledge, training, new software for the computer etc? The strategy will help to define the steps to be taken. These steps could be defined as milestones – activities to be completed on the way to reach your objective. Better still; why not celebrate when each milestone is accomplished.

Your strategies in some cases will need to be flexible and be able to evolve. You will learn on the way so redirecting your plan is part of the course. Remember, there will be successes as well as failures.

On your journey, it is important to occasionally sit back and take an overview. Get out of the trench and hover above where you are at. This is a good way to keep proactive as you will be looking at where you are and where you need to be. You can make adjustments accordingly. What generally happens if you do not take the time to reflect is that you will end up in crises mode – being reactive.

Remember though, ‘you can’t control what you can’t control’.
Throughout, stay true to the very reason why you are aiming to achieve each objective, but ultimately the strategies to help you reach your goal!

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. If this is the seed, then let me feed you and help you grow. I’m helping people to think positively about the future. I’m a believer that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it.

I’m giving away free material to help one get started in an enterprise to starting a business working from home. By following some really simple techniques, the journey starts by following the link to best business ideas from home.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

The Wright Brothers got a result by being passionate to reach their goal. They understood their Why! The same mentality exists today. If you put your mind to something, become passionate and committed, then there is no reason why you could not be successful with your Ideas Working From Home. So how can you be successful managing your own home based business and reap the rewards? 

Let’s start with a story behind the Wright Brothers.

The goals were ambitious, the public interest was high, experts in the field were gathered and the money was readily available. All the ingredients was present to make this special project a success. Back in the early 1900s, Samuel Pierpont Langley set out to be the first man to pilot an aircraft. He was educated at the Boston Latin School, graduated from the English High School, became an assistant in the Harvard College Observatory and became chair of mathematics at the United States Naval Academy.   

To help with the mission, he was enriched with the most powerful people in government and had a business grant in the region of $50,000 to fund the project.

The press followed him everywhere, riveted by this story as it was unfolding. “When would Samuel achieve his goal?”

With his team and resources, he was guaranteed to succeed – or was he?

A few hundred miles away, Wilbur and Orville Wright were also working on their flying machine. There was no press, no grants and no high connections. They were looking to succeed through their passion - the passion to fly.

As their passion was so intense, they were committed to succeed. The rest is now history. On 17 December 1903, the first manned flight was witnessed. The Wright Brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible.

This was not down to luck, but inspiration. Both brothers had high working ethics, were highly motivated and worked well as a team. Between the Wright Brothers and Samuel Pierpont Langley, only the Wright Brothers were inspired. They started each day with the why in mind and not the glory.

So where is this all leading? What about if you are in a situation where you passionately really want to do something different, have acknowledged you have reached a point in your life when enough really is enough and seriously want to change your lifestyle. If you are feeling this way then you are mentally prepared to do something different. Sometimes success comes with the best small business idea. So what’s next?

Working for yourself and reaping the rewards is not only possible, but probable provided you are committed, and if you need help starting a small business then learn how to become motivated. What a difference this would make to your life.

It was this focus, tenacity and being creative that drove the Wright Brothers to their success. They weren’t just going through the motions; they were living and breathing it as a way of life. Do you see the comparisons? It’s this mentality that drives people from staying where they are to doing something life changing.

So do you feel up to the challenge? Do you feel you are one of those 3% people who really want to take charge of your own destiny? If so, what is stopping you!

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their businesses effectively on the internet, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

There are a number of internet marketing, working from home, opportunities. Where do you start? How do you know what is right for you? How do you keep motivated to succeed? If you are interested to obtain financial freedom, sack your boss and create a better lifestyle then read on.
Home based internet marketing is an effective way to earn an income, but unless you know what you are doing can be time consuming, expensive and non effective. You can join a marketing business that provides an educational system to cut years off learning the hard way when it comes to internet marketing. This system can be followed by anyone, skilled or unskilled, by those looking for work at home business ideas for moms or for students waiting to embark on a career. It’s ideal for those who would like help starting a small business at home or to pursue Ideas Working From Home.

One of the advantages of following a programme to gain the skills required to market on the internet is it save you time and effort. If you were part of a business that provided a brilliant educational internet marketing based platform that would help any business establish a presence on the internet to market anything, to anyone anywhere around the world has got to be a winner in this information age. Establishing a favourable presence in the eyes of Google is also important.  

So with a great programme and system at hand, why then do people still fail? A lot of facts really come down to you. Yes we all want to live a fulfilling life, yes we would like to change our lifestyle, yes we do want to live a life of financial freedom. To address any of these will mean you have to work at it. It’s not going to come for free nor without time and commitment. It is said that only 3% of people show those leadership qualities to succeed in creating their own business, but everyone has the ability to be a leader. You just need to know how!

There are 6 virtues of a business. These are:
  • Being humble.
  • Being remarkable.
  • Being childlike.
  • Being respectful.
  • Being kind.
  • Being grateful.
These virtues are all about doing the right thing. You may be able to relate to these.

Despite the 6 virtues, despite what a great opportunity is presented and despite the want to create a better lifestyle, many will find an excuse to not even start. The initial pullback comes down to the fear of failure or even the fear of success. However, should one decide to take advantage of what is available, why is it then so many give up so early? A lot of this comes down to changing behaviours. Let’s explore this.

Apparently there are six main reasons why people give up. These are:
  • It takes longer than expected
  • It’s more difficult than expected
  • Too many other things to do – being too busy
  • Don’t get the expected rewards
  • Declaring victory too soon
  • Doing it for ever. Is this something “I” really want to do?
You may relate to some, or maybe all of these. However, success does not come overnight, but over time and those that prevail, stay focused, stay the course, follow the six virtues, stay committed will succeed in reaching their goals. It comes right back to the 3% leaders! All the time you must be teachable, consistent, coachable, grow in personal development – improving yourself on a daily basis.

You may be reading this and concur with some of its contents. Where are you sitting right now and where do you want to be? If you are looking to change your lifestyle then you need to put gratitude back into your life.

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their businesses effectively on the internet, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Ideas Working From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

If you are on a mission to promote the Best Business Ideas From Home or trade successfully through a small brick and mortar business, staying focused on what really matters will help you achieve results and to reach your goals far quicker. But we waste so much time on the little and unnecessary things in life. You know what these are. If you need help in staying focused then read on.

When focusing on being successful, no matter what it is you are trying to achieve, it is important to put everyday into perspective in order to reach your goals. It is important to concentrate on the things that are necessary and neglect those that aren’t. This can be a difficult concept for many.

The habit of a visionary leader is they have a clear sense of direction – a clear path on how to reach their goal (Smart Goal Setting). Undertaking say five activities each and every day to help you reach your goal is a great concept on staying focused. The activities should be worthy of energy and attention. Focus on what matters and then have the discipline to be liberated.

There are a number of metaphors that articulate what is being spelt out here: ‘Switch from being busy to achieving results’. ‘The person who tries to catch two rabbits catches neither’. ‘Those who try to achieve everything achieve nothing’. In other words you are more likely to succeed if you concentrate on what is important, what matters and relevant [sometimes termed as ‘high heeled activities’] and stop working on those things that don’t. Stop trying to achieve too many things at once.

Many will find it difficult to know where to start. The answer here is to start on yourself. You are not always going it get it right. Accept there will be failures when you start out.

Here is analogy about goal setting:

Imagine driving a twin engine speed boat and when you look behind is the wake spreading wider and wider from your point of reference. In front, racing towards you is a luxurious remote island. During this journey you are thrilled and enjoying the ride.

Within this statement are three goal setting tips. The wake being the little objectives and goals tackled along your journey. These have gone by – passed. Your main goal is the island and if you wish to reach this quickly then it’s no good keep looking back but instead to keep looking forward.

The island is your goal. The closer you speed towards the island, the quicker you will reach your goal. You need to stay focused and determined.

So where does the boat come into this. In this case, the boat is the vehicle that will help you get to your goal. You may need to take a number of unexpected detours, but this does not matter as long as you keep on course. Go for what you really want.

If you are involved in creating a better lifestyle for yourself and your family, and want to know how to start small business from home successfully, then you need to start trading quickly in order to gain results as soon as possible. This is about focusing on your biggest goal and doing what it takes to get you there. Avoid wasting time on things that do not matter, and seriously do five things each day that will take you closure to where you want to be and be the number 1 home business.

Being a leader is about showing up each day with vision, focus, commitment, determination and passion allowing you to grow and for your business to thrive. It all starts with establishing your biggest goal and being hungry to get there.

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their own business, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Best Business Ideas From Home.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

Marketing on the internet can be quite challenging. Whether you are looking to promote and trade through a home based business or through a small brick and mortar business knowing where to focus your time and effort to generate interest and those leads is so important? This article briefly describes the three main areas that will help you be visible on the internet. It all starts off with you having your own domain name…

Internet marketing, especially if looking to market great Internet Based Home Business, can be so diverse and for a beginner must be quite daunting. Once you start exploring, you can quite easily become overwhelmed. Like anything when starting out, there is the experimental, time consuming and expensive way or you could follow the three simple tips below.

1. Domain name.

If you are seriously wanting to market on the internet then you will need to establish yourself. The best way to achieve this is to have your own branding domain name. Setting up a home domain could be as simple as creating a blog, create what is known as capture pages or have a web site. For the long term, having your own web site will be far better. Either way, the site must contain content with value to be ranked favourably by Google.

The domain name is equally important, as this is not only your branding, but ideally combined with key words to aid visibility. The name should also be easily remembered and easily for people to spell out. It could be as simple as say ’Marketingbob’ [‘Marketing’ being a key word and Bob being your name].

If advertising on Google, then it will need to be Google compliant.

The idea here is to generate leads by the domain name in its own right.

2. Online presence.

To build a reputation and an online presence, it is important to put your name out there. There are a number of low cost and free methods of doing this. You could easily make a presence through the free social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, but equally publish articles, put out press releases and produce a blog. Each one of these sites will hold your profile and would help if people are researching you. This would help to show you are a real person who is series about your business.

Using social networks for marketing is really an enjoyable way to market ‘you’.

3. Training.

Like most things we take on in life, we can learn from others, learn by trial and error and/or be trained. Either of these methods will get results, but some may be more expensive and time wasting than others. Like any business, starting to trade and getting results as soon as possible must be an objective. Keeping start up costs low might also be one of these.

So how does this sound for an effective internet marketing training course. What if you could access a training system that provides a ground breaking unique business visual and interactive learning aid, to be able to join in with training calls and webinars as well as attending live events. Apart from all the training aids, have the ability to tap into a community who is willing to help and support you, to give you direction, setting your mindset and helping you to keep focused on what is important to help you reach your goals. All this can be accessed in the comfort of your own home based anywhere in the world. All you need is some time, tapped into the internet and serious about internet marketing.

Success does not appear overnight, and those that get it have worked at it. Following a system that works, being educated and following guidance from experts in their field must be a sure way of getting results in a way that could save you years as if you went out and tried to achieve success on your own. This article has pointed out three ways of getting started, so are you ready?

My name is Gary Oakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their own business, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can find a way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aim for a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control of our lives. I’m giving away free material to help one get started in any small business looking to market on the internet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by following the link to Internet Based Home Business.

It does not cost you anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.

Today we live in aworld full of brands. They are everywhere we look. You will be wearing one,driving one, using one, eating or drinking one. I think you get the message.

Believe it or not,you too are a brand. Let’s explore the ‘Brand You’ and explore how branding in marketing can help you inlife and in business and making this a key element of any– driving those Marketing Strategy Plan.

‘Brand You’ iswhat you are personally known for. What customers, friends and family say aboutyou when you are not around – the positive as well the negative. Your brand iscreated everyday through your actions.

A brand iscompletely different to the organisation or company you represent. A person maycome into contact to you through your company. However, they may prefer comingback to you because of what you as a person has to offer – being loyal to you.

So with all thedifferent brands out there amongst the competition, how do you promote yourbrand? What makes you standout! How do you brand yourself as the number1 home business in the industry? How do you define yourself so that prospects see youas the best solution to their needs? How do you become the ‘Star Bucks ofCoffee’, or the ‘McDonalds’ of fast foods?

Let’s explore how to establish a brand.

Defining ‘Brand You’.

First considerwhat ‘Brand You’ looks like today. Secondly, what do you want to be!

You need toconsider what are your core values and beliefs. What you feel you stand for. Ifyou find this hard to define then it maybe worth listening to how others defineyou – how do others see you.

When defining thebrand, you really need to think about you. You need to understand yourself inorder to be able to promote yourself. Forget where you work, your title orposition. What is unique about you! What have you accomplished to be able toshare with others! What do you want to be remembered by!

Understand yourbrand today and determine if there are gaps. Understand also where you want tobe.

Create the ‘Brand You’ statement.

This is a promiseyou can make to yourself and others from the prompts above.

Write a sentenceof your core values and beliefs that make you stand out from your competition.

For example: ‘Mysuccess and my fulfilment comes by serving others. The true joys in helpingothers help get what they want’.

Whatever thestatement, it needs to be authentic and true to you. Your brand will matureovertime. Make a start. keep it simple, relevant and believable. The brand willmake you different.

Build your brand.

So how do youbuild your brand? Well it starts with reputation so what’s yours? Do you knowhow people perceive you, what they say about you, or do you think you know?Does it reflect your personal brand statement? Are you reliable, credible,honest, loyal and knowledgeable? You will build your reputation by becomingknown. Again, this is in addition to your work. Do you ever interact withpeople who know your brand? People will always be watching you and decidingwhether they like what they see. Once you are aware of your brand then you canincrease visibility.

Take positiveaction to get known! Write articles, put out press releases, produce videos,join groups and write a blog. There are endless opportunities. Build a networkof followers and this can be achieved through the social media like Facebook,Twitter, etc. In turn you will get a network of supporters who will tell others– word and mouth advertising. Your brand could grow beyond your reach.

When in sales andmarketing, whether working from home, in a small business or to promote lucrativebusiness ideas, to help your business thrive then advertising and getting people toknow your brand is so important. This article hopefully makes this clear. Assaid, it’s not about the company you work for, but about you!

Make decisions andtake action to who you want to be and not focus on the money or having power.

Here are 5questions to help you make your brand statement:

1. What word doyou want people to use to describe you?

2. In you opinion,what is your strength?

3. What personalquality does your customer expect from you?

4. What do yourcolleagues respect about you most?

5. What onequality would you like to incorporate into your reputation?

So there you haveit. You have created ‘Brand You’. Now apply it!

My name is GaryOakes and as a business coach, not only am I helping people to market their ownbusiness, but encouraging people to start. I’m a believer that people can finda way to build a small business in their own time, to think positive and aimfor a vision and dream. We all have ideas and the ability to take control ofour lives. I’m giving away freematerial to help one get started in any small business looking to market on theinternet. Follow some really simple techniques. Start your journey by followingthe link to Marketing Strategy Plan.

It does not costyou anything to make enquiries, and you never know this might be the very thingyou are looking for.