Here is another article about motivation, but this time focusing on conditioning. Let’s start with a question. What keeps you going in life? Is it faith, belief, drive or is it fear? The reason I ask this is because the way we think, behave and act is influenced by the we are brought up. This includes schooling, family life, interaction with friends and the environment for which we surround ourselves. This is all part of the conditioning embedded within up to now.

With conditioning, be aware of it, but acknowledge it. Although by all means use it to your advantage. If looking to do something different then it may be a case of reprogramming. There are a lot of people looking to do something different, wanting to create ideas working from home, be their own boss and run a business in their own way. 97% of people are just not tuned in to do this because their conditioning has taught them to get an education and then get a job working for someone else.

3% of people think differently and aim to become an entrepreneur and be in control of their own destiny. This is hard work and is not for everyone although anyone can achieve great things if given the right guidance and direction. So what is the mindset of a 3% leader. There are basically 5 areas they focus their time:

  1. Daily visualisation and meditation on their goals
  2. Income producing activities
  3. Working on yourself
  4. Making the commitment to mastermind with other leaders each and everyday
  5. Cultivate the expectation of leadership
Here is an interesting perspective regarding conditioning.

In the USA, the standard railway gauge is 4’ 8½”. This is the measurement between the rails. Why such an odd number? Why the question?

The railway gauge in the USA was built to the same gauge to that of the UK. The people in the UK who built the railway followed the same gauge as the tramways. The tramways were built to the wheel spacing used on the wagons. The spacing of the wagon wheels were made to fit in the ruts that existed in many of the roads. Now the interesting part. The ruts in the road were made from the wheels from the Roman Empire war chariots back in 50 to 500AD. These ruts are spaced at 4’ 8 ½”.

This is a great example of conditioning. People doing something because that is the way it has always been done. There are companies in trouble today because of this – didn’t see clearly or plan ahead differently because of their past conditioning. Market conditions change. People’s demands change. So you need to change. Going forward in business based on the past is not going to get you where you need to be in the future.

Next time you are handed some instructions, question where they came from? The Roman war chariot wheel spacing was designed to accommodate the back end of two war horses. Ironically, the space shuttle booster rockets were made smaller than required because they needed to be transported via rail. In other words the restricted gauge limited the size of 20th century space exploration because the gauge was restricted to the backside of two Roman war horses.

Know it or not, but the majority have been conditioned. If you could surround yourself and mastermind with great leaders and entrepreneurs then you would have a totally different outlook and perspective to life. You don’t have to follow your conditioned past, but break free, be different and create a life of your own design.

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or know how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place to help you. The journey starts by following this simple link to Ideas Working From Home.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

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